GFCU Savings contact
The GFCU Savings call centre hours are open from 7:00am-7:00pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am-4:00pm on Saturday.
Local: 1-250-442-5511
Toll-free: 1-866-442-5511
On June 19, 2023, your GFCU account transitioned to a Gulf & Fraser spending or saving account, designed by members for members. These accounts were created to help you manage your money and help you build and maintain healthy spending and saving habits. If you find the account you have been moved into does not fit, you can choose the account that best suits your lifestyle or business to make financial decisions with confidence. Click to learn more about our spending accounts and savings accounts options.
To show our appreciation for your loyalty and trust in us during this period of transition, your monthly account fees will be waived for the first six months, until November 30, 2023. During this time, get familiar with your account. If you’d like to discuss a different account for your needs, check out our spending accounts and savings accounts options, and contact us.
The table below shows how GFCU Savings personal accounts transitioned to Gulf & Fraser accounts. If your account is not listed here, contact us for more information.
The table below shows how GFCU Savings business accounts transitioned to Gulf & Fraser accounts. If your account is not listed here, contact us for more information.
You were automatically transitioned to your new account(s) on June 19, 2023
You won’t start paying a monthly account fee until December 1, 2023—the fee will be waived for the first six months (June 1 - November 30) to give you time to make sure you’re in the right account for your needs.
You’ll start paying a monthly fee for each account starting on December 1, 2023, if applicable.
You’ll be charged a $3.00 monthly fee for paper account statements starting in June. If you don’t need paper statements, make sure you let us know.
The following did not change for GFCU Savings members:
Cheques – you can continue using your GFCU Savings cheques
Account statement layout of information (only the logo changed)
Cover drafts (chequing or savings account linked to another account to cover overdraft)
Send us your feedback using this member survey.
Email: info@gfcu.comThe GFCU Savings call centre hours are open from 7:00am-7:00pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am-4:00pm on Saturday.
Local: 1-250-442-5511
Toll-free: 1-866-442-5511
©2025 Gulf & Fraser. All rights reserved. Gulf & Fraser and GFCU Savings are trade names of Beem Credit Union.